Strategies of -professional – capital in the Rental Housing sector in Spain (Primary residence)
2021 – March – 04
If we have a scheme of private capital strategies for residential rental (habitual residence) and public budgeting activity (public capital), we have a good method, among others, to realize where the normal working of the market is not supplying. (it has never done it) the most necessary product today in the residential sector, fundamentally affordable rental housing for lower-middle income, which we call below the market and whose rental price never implies an effort of more than 35% -40% for its users and, social rental housing that requires rental prices well below the market to guarantee that its users do not exceed that percentage of effort of 35% -40%, this percentage is considered the limit of a “overstrain economic effort “according to EU soft law documents.
Esquema de partida (inversión privada en alquiler asequible y social)
2015 – August – 28
OCDE Publications
This article was prepared by Arenhos Advisors.